For many years Yianni Stamas has been creating media arts blogs, one at a time, that now together are called The Arts and Media collection. It all started in 2011 with the creation of the Yianni Stamas blog. And now this media arts blogs collection includes sites like Video Film Web and Abeify (the publication you are reading right now). Another example is the 2018 entry Celebify that started as a look at marketing and how people celebify themselves. And it has now has added a video mini podcast component.

What does this mean?

We all have things that interest us including hobbies, philosophies of life, current affairs, pop culture and much more.

What distinguishes one person from the other are their interests and what motivates them.

For those who discover their gift early and then focus on the gift are often the most successful in their careers and organizations.

The personal branding journey is a process in which you share your journey dedicated to a gift you have and sharing it with others as you travel on the road of life.

This can be one of the most stress free ways of tapping into the “Magic of Audience” because essentially you are traveling on a pathway in which you are pursuing to “Be Your Unique Self Now”.

For example Yianni Stamas, marketer, videographer, editor, blogger and video mini podcast maker is a specialist as a series creator of short educational videos for businesses, nonprofits and artist entertainers.

Since 2001 he has been using video to help very successful small business owners, nonprofit directors and artist entertainers become even more successful.

In early 2024 Yianni Stamas had a revelation when he realized that his audience and the people he was able to best help achieve even more success, shared certain qualities.

All of these qualities coincided with topics and subjects that had fascinated him since he was seven years old.

That’s when he came up with the idea of Abeify or ABEIFY as an acronym which consists of these qualities that are a combination of Artist Businessperson Entertainer Influencer Facilitator and You (be your unique self now).

In other words Abeify was a persona of his audience.

And of course, everyone is going to have a different persona.

For some their persona is going to be close to who they are, and for others maybe not even related at all to their interests and passions.

The direction you choose is of course up to you.

But for some tapping into your gift can make your life a whole lot easier once you find something that you like to do and are good at and can help others with, while sharing your discoveries with them by providing them with offerings while you are living out your own Personal Branding Journey.